VACPAC Petroleum has a wide line of oils for Air Compressors including :

• Screw Compressor Oil
• Piston and Rotation Compressors
•Mineral Compressor Oil
•Synthetic Compressor Oil
• Oil with high oxidative and thermal stability   

What is a compressor oil?

Compressor oil is a specially designed technical fluid that is used in the moving parts of the compressor. It has several functions:

  • reduces friction of working units - this is ensured by the thin layer covering the working units inside the compressor chamber;
  • cools the working elements, due to the  friction and the process of compression of the gaseous medium, they experience temperature loads;
  • prevents the formation of plaque on working surfaces (if there are special additives in the composition);
  • improves the tightness of joints, as it fills the smallest cracks;
  • increases the service life of working elements, as it prevents their abrasion and does not allow overheating.

For your convenience VacPac Petroleum has classified compressor oils depends on the type of your machine and the speciality of compressor's application. Consult our specialists if in doubt.